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Facilities at a glance

The dive sites are probably the best in the Mediterranean: the sea is warm , the water is crystal clear and there is visibility for over 30 meters. What really makes North Cyprus different is the abundance of underwater life. 
Speciemens that can be seen ; sting rays, amber jacks, scorpions, bream, grouper, cuckoo, wrasse, octopus, and sea turtles.                                                 There are also fascinating reefs,boasting moray eels, colourful sponges,soft corals,caves and ancient ship-wreck site  as well as treasures from ancient times.

The oldest commercial shipwreck was found a few miles from Kyrenia harbour (dated 300 BC) and some of the artifacts salvaged are now displayed in the museum located in Kyrenia castle. 

You can choose from about twenty diving sites east and west of Kyrenia as well as diving safaris to other places along the coast. 

These are sites that will give the experienced diver thrills and the warm, crystal-clear water and limited depth provide perfect learning condition for beginner.You will be accompanied by professional drivers who will do everything to give you an unforgettable diving holiday. Please note that Scuba Diving along the coast of North Cyprus is not allowed on your own. And it is illegal to move or touch any historical artifacts.
There are two main types of sea-turtles nesting along the coasts of Northern Cyprus; these are: Caretta-Caretta (Sini Kaplumbagasi), and Chelonia-Mydas (Yesil Kaplumbaga). The both are listed as endangered species and under strict protection. Click Link Below for more info

